Pet vs Man

Pet vs. Man is a gameshow hosted by Cat the cat.On a mission to see who will win, beast or man! Different pets portrayed by puppets are pitted against their owners in 3 rounds of game show competition! This mixed media pilot is currently in post-production. For more information please contact us. This show is […]
World of Dookie-Poo

Working with Dookie-Poo creator Manny Galan, I produced a number of promotional materials for his vinyl toys and plush.Everything from commercials, postcards, flyers and artwork. Promo Materials Movie Poster Spoofs Dookie-Poo Fan Art I made a number of fun illustrations with the Dookie-Poo characters for social media posts and fun.
Cartoon Lagoon

Cartoon Lagoon Cartoon Lagoon is a show created by Manny Galan. I helped develop the show and directed the first two episodes (2x22mins.) and a 90 minute special.I also edited the show and helped with marketing materials. Along with a self-published DVD, the first episode was eventually broken up into 4 minute episodes & featured […]